California's only solar company OWNED by its customers.

Food Bank Slashes Annual Electric Bill by $25,000

Owner: Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano (nonprofit)
Geographic location: Concord, California
System output: 56,000 watts
Configuration: 360 KC190 modules & 10 SunnyBoy SB6000 inverters
How/where mounted: Tilt-mounted on flat roof with Sunlink racking system
Total system installation cost: $10,000
Rebate amount: $.50 cents per kilowatt-hour (Performance-Based Incentive paid quarterly based on actual production)
Date of installation: November 2005
Designer: Erin McMahon, CCEnergy Design Engineer
Installer: TeamSolar Inc.
CCEnergy Rep: Dick Hansen

The food bank's flat, wind-protected roof is ideal for tilt-mounted racking to maximize solar exposure.

A large crane hoisted modules onto the roof already connected into four-panel arrays.

CCEnergy Field Rep Dick Hansen explains how each of the system's 10 SB6000 inverters are individually monitored.

TeamSolar Inc. worked in crews of four to maintain a brisk installation pace.