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Neighbors Help with Challenging Hillside PV System

Owner: Jim Fournier
Geographic location: Nicasio, California
System output: 4.8 kW
Configuration: 36 KC158G solar panels and 2 SMA 2500U inverters
How/where mounted: SolarMount ground railing roof
Total installation cost: $43,200
Rebate amount: $21,500
Date of installation: May 2003
Designer: Daniel Pellegrini
Installer: Roy Phillips, Marin Solar and several of Fournier's neighbors
CCEnergy Rep: Dan Pellegrini

The array is on an ideal south-facing slope at 35 degrees.

Concrete footings secure the system's mounting racks on the hillside.

The modules were "panelized" by attaching them to mounting rails on level ground, then the crew marched the panels up the hill to attach them to the ground mount posts.

The array follows the slope of the hillside, reducing wind loading and blending into the Marin hills.